Newsletter Archive

Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

8 September 2021

  • The True Cost of Dental Practice Managers

  • Is Wesfarmers Australia’s Answer to Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway?

  • Buying High Rise Rental Apartments Off the Plan is Dangerous Financially

  • Buffett on Fixed Interest Investment

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

26 August 2021

  • Secrets of dental success: Gaps in Practice Accountants Advice Costly For Many

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

9 August 2021

  • Investment in Shares are Far More Beneficial Than Fixed Interest Interest: Bonds Over the Long Term, but Can Be Far More Volatile

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

26 July 2021

  • Dixon Advisory Acted Against the Best interest of its Clients

  • The Fundamental Weakness of In-House Investments

  • Why in-House Investments Should be Avoided

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

18 June 2021

  • End of the Road for Smiles Inclusive aka Totally Smiles: Big Lessons for New Dental Corporates IPOs

  • Hot Market for Veterinary Practices

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

8 June 2021

  • Dangerously geared “ETFs”

  • Chinese Threat?

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

30 May 2021

  • The Four Foundations of Financial Success of Dentists

  • Superannuation Funds- Understanding Key Strategies Using Debt Properly

  • Rate of Doubling Net Wealth

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

16 May 2021

  • Why it is Smarter to Own Your Practice Rather Than Work for a Dental or Veterinary Corporate

  • Differences Run to millions of Dollars over a Full Career

  • The Most Successful Dentists are not Preferred Providers

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

27 April 2021

  • The Magic Bank Money multiplier

  • The Shortcoming of Managed Funds

  • When Should being Overweight in an Investment be of Concern

  • What Lots of Clients Seeking Advice Don’t Know!

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

16 March 2021

  • Practice Brokers and Real Estate Agents: Do They Have a Conflict of Interest?

  • Selling Practices

  • Co-Ownership Schemes Between Dental corporates and Dentists Beware

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

5 March 2021

  • Bleak Outlook for Fixed Interest Investors

  • Buffett on Bonds

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Graham Middleton Graham Middleton

January 2021

  • Health Fund Preferred Providers: Do They Make a Practice More Profitable?

  • The Invisible Management Barrier in Dental Practices

  • Do Practice Managers Cost Profit and Reduce Capital Value?

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